• Aviation Economic Forum 2015 EAF


    The EastChamberpresents its compliments,this is to inform you that we received a letter from theCouncil of Saudi Chambersnumber(ل.و/ 685) dated(02/29/1436),referredtothat the Councilreceived an invitationto participate inthe first internationalforum oneconomicaviation(AviationEconomicForum2015EAF)under the patronage ofHis Highness thePresident of the GeneralAuthority of Civil AviationPrince Fahdbin Abdullah, during aperiodof(24 to 26 February 2015),to be in heldKing Abdullah EconomicCityin the presence of24speakers fromdifferent countriesas heads ofcompanies andexecutives, consultantsandhousesexperience.
    Therefore,the Councilhopes tointerestedaviation industry, travel and tourism,participationand registrationin the workof this forumon the link(www.eafonline.info).
    The council hopes from interested people to take this opportunityfor the private sectorto engage instudiesof the activity ofthe air transport industryas a prelude toforming partnerships,andcreate new jobsat the localand international levels.
    Forumbrochure: (www.alpha.events).​

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